Socialisation of BPS and Polytechnic of Statistics STIS at SMAN 1 Calang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Jaya Regency


Socialisation of BPS and Polytechnic of Statistics STIS at SMAN 1 Calang

Socialisation of BPS and Polytechnic of Statistics STIS at SMAN 1 Calang

November 28, 2024 | Other Activities

On Thursday 28 November 2024, BPS Aceh Jaya held a socialisation of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Polytechnic of Statistics STIS at SMAN 1 Calang. This socialisation explained the role and utilisation of BPS data. BPS itself has a vision as a Provider of Qualified Statistical Data for Advanced Indonesia. For the BPS mission, namely 1) Providing quality statistics with national and international standards, 2) Fostering K / L / D / I through a sustainable National Statistics System, 3) Realising excellent service in the field of statistics for the realisation of the National Statistics System, 4) Building superior and adaptive human resources based on the values of professionalism, integrity and trustworthiness.

In addition, it also explained the utilisation of BPS data which is used as the basis for development and policy determination. One of the uses of BPS data is to control inflation. Inflation is the increase in prices of goods and services in general and continuously within a certain period of time. Districts/cities that can control inflation will be given fiscal incentives such as in Nagan Raya Regency and Sabang City.

The stages in the selection of new student admissions (PMB) for Polstat STIS consist of 4 stages, namely administrative selection, basic competency selection, mathematics & psychological selection and health & fitness selection. The advantages of Polstat STIS include 1) one of the best PTK campuses with a special curriculum, 2) outstanding students and lecturers, 3) high quality of graduates, 4) Tuition Free. With this activity, it is hoped that it can foster the interest of SMAN 1 Calang graduates to continue their education at Polstat STIS.
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