Implementation of SERUTI 4th Quarter 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Jaya Regency


Implementation of SERUTI 4th Quarter 2024

Implementation of SERUTI 4th Quarter 2024

December 30, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Quarterly Household Economic Survey (Seruti) is a survey organised by BPS in order to provide basic data in the calculation of household consumption expenditure (PK-RT) as a component of GDP. The data generated by Seruti is needed to obtain information on the quarterly fluctuations and patterns of PK-RT.

SERUTI is carried out every quarter, namely household economic data in the form of the value and pattern of income, consumption expenditure, and non-consumption, investment, and household financial transactions. SERUTI aims to determine the development of community consumption expenditure patterns in the second quarter as a continuation of the previous first quarter SERUTI so that the respondents are panel respondents. SERUTI in 2024 is designed to present estimates at the provincial level and is conducted quarterly or 4 times a year. 

In November 2024, BPS conducted the fourth quarter of Seruti in 2024. The Seruti household sample is a panel household sample between quarters, i.e. Seruti sample households that respond in one quarter will be enumerated again in the next quarter.

Variables collected in Seruti 2024 include household description; quantity and value of food, beverage, and cigarette consumption in the past week; value of non-food expenditure during the month and the past 3 (three) months; value of income, receipts, and non-consumption expenditure during the past 3 (three) months; position of household assets and liabilities; and perceptions of household economic conditions.

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